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The simple conclusion of her coronary calcium investigation reads, “Among women 50 59 years old at enrollment, the calcified plaque burden in the coronary arteries after trial completion was lower in the women assigned to estrogen than those assigned to placebo.” And heart health enhancing effects of estrogen have been clearly shown for over 25 years in monkey models of menopause (work in Dr. Tom Clarkson’s lab at Wake Forrest University) as well as being confirmed by more recent clinical studies in women (3).. fruta planta images 80’s There are number of restorative issues in which Physiotherapy is considered to be the best cure. They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.
Organ meats very high in fat are: suet, marrow, tongue,brain, but the other organs are also extremely useful. A member of my own rawpaleodiet Yahoo group, who has been doing a raw all animal food diet for some time now, suggests that 10% of such a diet should consist of raw organ meats, but he doesn’t personally feel the need for any more than that.. fruta planta images 80’s I have to wait until 2/5/09 for results. Any thoughts?.