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Ok thanks, There is nothing here too exciting as far as blood work results. The increased BUN, TP, Albumin all point to dehydration. The Chol, Neuts and Eosins are all very mild and I would consider normal in a stressed animal The GLU is not that high and could be related to stress as well. If higher then I would consider diabetes but a urine glucose would be needed to diagnose. The GGT is not that high either and really an ALT/ ALKP would be more helpful to diagnose liver disease. If the sample was hemolyzed, then I would expect it wasn’t a clean stick so the Platelets cannot be assumed to be accurate. A smear is needed to diagnose truly low platelets. I think you’re on the right track by doing supportive care at this point. There is not enough evidence at this point to diagnose anything other than just some run of the mill gastroenteritis, which I would be most suspicious of. Hopefully with GI protectants and some antibiotics it will resolve. If it doesn’t, then I would start thinking about possible IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), cholangiohepatitis and chronic pancreatitis. This is known as the feline Triaditis as they often occur together. Not worth crossing that bridge now, but possibly in the future if the signs do not resolve in the next 5 7 days. I hope that helps, let me know if anything is unclear or you have other questions. 0 mish mash dai_dai See how my response was so much longer than your short brief jabs? That because explaining a verse in the quran correctly takes time. There are volumes of books written about the various verses, their interpretations and meanings. To dismiss them on face value simply exposes your own unwillingness to learn about the religion. If I were to reply to you in depth to every stupid thing you said it would take a very, very long time on my part. It easy for you to dismiss things quickly but to truly explain how you wrong takes so much more time and effort on my part. It would truly be worth the effort if you were open to learning about the religion instead of looking for a reason to vent.
The by product of affluence is that we have become a nation that is calorie and cash rich, but time poor. Today, going to the gym to work out is a time luxury which many people especially those who spend long hours commuting can no longer afford. set somebody without She represents a great ‘American story.’ She makes most women proud. A great role model. See it makes fun of liberals as being SISSIES! and even has a double entendre (that’s a FRENCH phrase for something that had a double meaning, little brained limbugh listeners) with whine because all liberals of course drink wine instead of beer or whiskey like good conservatives and real men.
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