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I was diagnose with stage 3 multiple myeloma in May of 2012, devastated is an understatement. I underwent the stem cell transplant six moth after the diagnose, six month after the transplant the legions in my bones decrease, my kidney function and the myeloma has remained the same. My treatment includes intravenous injection every 28 days to strengthen my bones, and chemo pills daily. When I look at the life expectancy it’s heart breaking but I look at the quality of my life I am very please, I am in better health than I have been in years, I cherish each day. Thanks for the advancement in treatment of this devastating disease, I expect to be around for a long time. 0 lida daidaihua forum pl Eat Unprocessed Food: I have always preferred eating raw food, but I never heard the ability to, because of the usual soar taste, until the day I took a bold step and started eating it. I was eating closely to about 55 65% raw food, but I just needed extra push if I was to loss weight. So I decided to move it up to 80 90% raw vegan food and I got that push after being on a program called, The 4 cycle fat solution. Just as you know, if a cooked seed and an uncooked seed are grown together, you would discover that the cooked seed would never grow, while the uncooked seed is the opposite. This is because the cooked seed have been subjected to a very high temperature like 120 degree celsius, to the extent that no nutrient is in the seed anymore. This is the same thing that happens when you eat cooked food all the time. An example of such food is whole grain.
Either they are born that way or they are not. My other dog was not born a chaser, he is more oriented to being a guard dog and watching people, this one so far shows not that much protection ability but is very interested in chasing leaves, butterflies and anything small, altho I did teach him to leave my Chihuahua alone.He also has a lot of allergies. He was scratching and losing all his hair and his skin was bright red. pastillas lida daidaihua mexico Another reason is the reaction of the body to the colon cleansing agents. These agents have to separate forcefully, the toxins and waste accumulated in the body over the years. The severity of the side effects is dependent on the time taken for colon cleansing.
For those traveling to for a romantic getaway, there is no hotel like Saman Villas. This smaller hotel contains 26 suites and one two story villa. pure herbal lida daidaihua Wow, bummer on top of bummers. What are they doing about the cyst? or is that not really a problem? I find it odd and interesting that you had NO sx at all before your accident? Not even in retrospect? (Looking back, I had MS type sx for 3 5 years or more before my dx, but put them down to my chronic depression, menopause, aging, etc.) How did the accident happen? Was there a dizzy episode?.