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What’s this?TROPHY CASEClaimed to have worked on recovered extraterrestrial space craft for the United States government. Has been caught in numerous lies about his education claimed to have degrees in Electronic Engineering and Physics no records found. Lazar has also lied about his time line and can remember what years he graduated from what school. Was convicted of pandering in Nevada. A model made by Testors (Model S 4) of the craft Lazar claimed to work on was made and sold. SEE: Bob Lazar web site and a very comprehensive expose of Lazar. Also see Bob Lazar: True or False?, an article by Glen Campbell of UFO Updates. , meizitang citrus twist “I don like what you saying. It has implications I find uncomfortable. Therefore it must be wrong. I going to get busy supporting that foregone conclusion by any means I can find. If I can find anyone or anything that agrees with me, they right and everyone who says otherwise is dogmatic and wrong.”
I grew up with my nana who had alzheimer we (my family) took care of her in her own home for 7 years until she passed. The art of the redirect is clutch for keeping the peace. It just means getting (or encouraging) their attention elsewhere. Examples:It can be blunt:”Where my cat?””Your cat is outside, my that a lovely blouse you wearing!”Or subtle:”Where my cat?””Oh I just saw him napping not too long ago. meizitang citrus twist Do you have an example? I can think of an instance where you wouldn want your controller to escape all user inputs being sent to the view. Otherwise you wide open to XSS. That creates an issue where there no trust. The controller could be handing you plain Jane display data or it could be handing you a payload that will compromise the site. And now it up to the template to try to muddle through which is which.
Hobby lobby is exempt from a civil law for religious reasons. What next, people seeking exemption from laws about murder because they can claim their rando religion is in favor of murder and that the law against murder is impinging on their religious freedoms? You can claim anything is your religion without proof; that kind of the exact definition of religion in the first place. A law is a law, and this law wasn forcing Hobby Lobby to worship in mosques or persecuting them for being Christian. This is a chilling precedent. meizitang citrus twist At the end of the day, it a country that has taken care of its own for a long time. When the climate is as cold as it is, I guess we had to. If you don take care of your neighbors if they in a tight spot this winter, you might be the one to starve the next if nobody is there to help you.